Mountain biking since as long as i can remember.
Worked in the NHS as a biomedical scientist.
Came out of COVID wanting to pursue something creative.
Built Flow Collective to be a mountain biking brand that focus's on creativity and community.
This was the goal from day one.
Once we have found our feet, we will support them through a royalty scheme.
Each jersey is limited in quantity to make each one a true piece of art.
It only took a global pandemic to realise the importance of community in mountain biking.
Flow Collective is about having a friendly online community to share and chat with after each ride.
Its a bottoms up approach. This means every design is voted on by the community.
Life is about fun.
Otherwise really, whats the point.
We choose to go a little slower and take the funcreative line.
* The creative line in MTB is the line with the most style, not always the quickest but with the biggest smile.
We're always happy to chat and help answer any questions you may have!
Please note, we try our best to respond to all inquiries within 48 hours, Monday - Friday.